Saturday 30 August 2014

No Pool: No Problem!

It was a hot week in Montreal, and we couldn't find a pool. Our local outdoor pool was closed as the lifeguards had returned to school. The neighbouring indoor pools were closed due to annual maintenance, in preparation for their fall season.

Finally, we discovered a new Splash Pad the had opened not too far away. We went not once, not twice, but three times in the same week. The girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves (except when they were fighting over which water jet to step on).

Saturday 23 August 2014

Lions and Tigers and Bears!

This Tuesday, we (S1, S2 and I) headed to Park Safari with two of my cousins and their children. I asked myself during the long drive over whether or not it would be worth it...

As it happened, the kids did not complain too much on the way over, S2 fell asleep on the way back. And in between, they enjoyed a water park geared towards young kids, enjoyed some ice cream, and saw many animals, including lions, a large tiger, and some sleeping bears.  So exhausted were they by 14h, that we decided to forego the driving safari, and instead drove home...Perhaps next year we will return, I told my toddler after she asked to return the following day!

Saturday 16 August 2014

The Tennis Staycation

We spent a fun-filled stay-at-home vacation last week. The theme: Tennis.

Papa took the week off work and attended daily tennis matches at the Montreal Rogers Cup, watching the likes of Maria Sharapova and Agnieska Radwanska.. The event kicked off with Family Day, and S1 and S2 attended. They had their faces painted, tried wall-climbing, and even gave some mini tennis a go. They enjoyed it so much that we decided to order a mini tennis net for home. Baby also joined the fun, readily getting her hands on any tennis balls that her sisters weren't using.

The week ended with Papa and Mama's very first date night since the birth of S3: The quarter-finals!

Saturday 9 August 2014

Baby Turns One!

It is hard to believe that our youngest is already one! She had a fun-filled day. While Mama was at work, she spent some quality time with her Papa. Meanwhile, her siblings went shopping with Grandma for birthday hats, balloons and gifts.

Upon Mama's return, after enjoying some Birthday Milk, she played with her siblings while Mama whipped up a birthday cake and some cupcakes. After a hearty barbecued meal, Baby attempted to blow out her candle. She then enjoyed her very first piece of birthday cake.

She had never received a wrapped gift before, and did not know quite what to do with it. Luckily for her, her siblings were happy to help her tear open her first gift!

Sunday 3 August 2014

How to get your kids to help with yard work

I was not expecting to be raking leaves in early August. However, Mother Nature had other plans, as wind and rain dumped many leaves in our back yard. Normally I would not rush to clear them, however the grass-cutting company was due any minute...

So I enthusiastically asked "who wants to help Mama rake leaves?" And much to my surprise, I heard a chorus of "I do".  Some miniature pink rakes and pink garden gloves helped, as the leaves were raked and bagged within thirty minutes.

Here is proof that kids can do yard work and enjoy it: