Saturday 28 February 2015

The Frozen yet Fun-Filled February

Despite frigid weather, we had a fun-filled February:

2 Birthdays (in fact 4 parties including those at pre-school)
1 half-birthday with Baby turning 1.5years
Valentine's Day
Ayyam-i-Ha (and their first Piñata experience)

In fact, we would have had a near perfect month were it not for a bout of hand-foot-mouth disease which all three girls caught!

Here is our month in photos:

A cranky Baby with HFMD plays dress-up

Napping on the way to the doctor's for annual check-ups

A love note from #1

Enjoying a birthday gift from their cousins

The Piñata at the Ayyam-i-Ha party


Saturday 21 February 2015

Our #1 turns 5!!!

She had a fever a few days prior to her birthday, so we weren't sure how the day would go...But come Thursday February 19, she seemed energetic and excited. She helped me decorate our kitchen:

She enjoyed blowing out her candles. Her cousin, who also recently turned 5, requested that we re-light the candles, so that she too could blow them out.  

She couldn't decide which gift to open first:

Happy Birthday Beautiful #1! I can't believe you are

It seems like just yesterday you were a 

Saturday 14 February 2015

The Happy Birthday Girl turns 3!

A very happy girl turned three this Wednesday, and she thoroughly enjoyed her day. She literally jumped with joy a few times.

At preschool, she shared cupcakes with her class mates.

Later on that evening, she opened a very special birthday card from her great aunt Lois:

Then we set the table with all things pink:

After several attempts, she finally blew our the three candles atop the hamburger-shaped birthday cake that had been baked and decorated by her very talented aunt:

Happy Birthday Beautiful # 2!

Saturday 7 February 2015

Baby turns 18 months old!

In a few days Baby turns 18 months old! In fact, she is no longer a baby! She walks, she talks, why, she is practically an adult!

We moved into our new house when she was just barely 7 months old, and between moving in, furnishing our home, finding local activities for our girls, the time has simply flown by!

S3 on  being 18 months:

-Has 16 teeth, and can brush and floss them herself
-Has mastered removing and putting on her socks
-Feeds herself three meals per day, plus three snacks
-Thinks she can play the piano
-Chooses her own clothes, or at least that's what Grandma says when we find Baby donning mismatched outfits
-Has started occasionally sleeping through the night, but has difficulty anytime she catches a new cold, which lately seems far too frequent
-Loves reading books, and we often find her sitting in a couch, quietly "reading"
-Still loves to play ball, and will often instigate a game of catch
-Speaks quite well, and her repertoire now includes: outside, over there, ball, dog, Mama, Papa, Grandma, Bad, Elmo, iPad, Hi, Bye, Pistachio, Chocolate, Water, Hot, Up, Down, No, and best of all, her sister's name (or an approximation thereof).

Unfortunately, last week, she also prematurely embarked into the "terrible twos". Perhaps we will have a reprieve by the time she turns two...