Saturday 26 September 2015

New Skates and Swim Lessons

We had a great week. Our twice weekly indoor swim lessons begun. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings for our #2 and #3, and after school on the same days for our #1. A little exhausting for Mama, but well worth it!

In other news, our Baby got fitted with the smallest pair of skates available. Unfortunately there were no helmets her size, but we were told to try Canadian Tire. Our little one was very excited, and was even able to stay upright in the store. When we got home, she asked several times to wear her "skate boots". I tried to explain that they were for the ice...

Saturday 19 September 2015

A Week of Firsts

This was a week of firsts:
-First full week for our preschoolers (which really amounts to three half days)
-First back-to-school cold for our kindergartener, thankfully at the end of the week, so no school days missed
-And first lock-down drill

It was the latter that had me worried. On Thursday morning the parents received an e-mail indicateing that there had been a lock-down drill. That the school had to be prepared, and that some kids may be have been upset.  I immediately wondered how the teachers explained the drill to the kindergarten classes. My daughter has no idea what a gun is. What if she developed nightmares and sleepless nights...In the end I need not have worried. My daughter explained that there had been a game of hide and seek: the the principal was looking for a classroom with an unlocked door and the lights turned on. So they had to lock their door, turn out the lights, and be very quiet. And that's what they did. And the game lasted all of five minutes!

Our baby during her first full week at pre-school

Saturday 12 September 2015

Preschool Begins and Mama Finally Gets a Break

This week, our 2 youngest started preschool. They had been looking forward to this day for a long time. Everyday for nearly one month, they had been carrying their school bags. "Bye Bye Mommy, I go to school", our two-year old regularly exclaimed.

The girls had 2 half days this week, and they start their regular three half days next week. Their father dropped them off on their first day as I was working. If dirty clothes are any indication, they seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves, and the littlest one especially enjoyed the indoor sand. On their second day of school, I was able to drop them off and go for a jog, and go shopping, and eat breakfast in peace, and wash the car. Oh the freedom!

Sunday 6 September 2015

Kindergarten Begins!

This week, our oldest was off to kindergarten. It was a short week, with 1.5 hours on Tuesday and Wednesday, and 3 hours on Thursday and Friday. She had been looking forward to Kindergarten for a long time. I had been warned to wear sunglasses on the first day, as many parents cry. Perhaps because it was such a short day, or perhaps because I had two other young ones to care for, but the sunglasses weren't necessary.

Our daughter was very excited to meet her new teacher, Mme Marie. There were also some familiar faces; her cousin who not only attends the same school, but is in the same class, and a few of her teammates from soccer.

I don't know who was more excited, my daughter or myself: