Saturday 25 November 2017

First Indoor Swim Meet

Our 7-year old competed in her first swim meet of the season last weekend. The previous year, we had signed her up for one indoor swimming competition, but she refused to start both of her races. This time around, she was far more prepared, having competed in a number of summer swim meets. She even learned to successfully dive off the starting block in the last month.

She swam in two races, 25 metre freestyle, followed by 25 metre breaststroke. For her freestyle swim, she finished 41st with a time of 27.40 seconds in a field of almost 60 (8 & under female) swimmers. And for her breaststroke race, she finished with a time of 35.22 seconds, and came in 21st out of 41 swimmers in her age group. But most importantly she had a lot of fun and didn't seem the least bit nervous...

In the furthest lane

In the foreground

Saturday 18 November 2017

All in a Week

The girls had a fun-filled week. Our 4-year old received her first pair of skis, a new helmet, and some goggles. She was so excited that every few minutes she would ask when it would start snowing...

Our 5-year old lost her third tooth, but first one while at school. She received a lovely necklace to carry her tooth in:

The girls also received a new game from their preschool friend. They enjoyed setting it up and dropping marbles through it. However, within a few minutes they had found something to fight over!

And finally, or seven year old is gearing up for her first indoor swim meet of the season. It takes place Sunday morning, so more on that on next week's blog...

Saturday 11 November 2017

Sunday 5 November 2017

Three Trick-or-Treating Trolls

Our girls dressed as trolls this Halloween. A talented woman named Brigitte knitted three warm troll hats inspired by the recent troll movie. Our youngest was Princess Poppy, our 5-year old was Harper, and the oldest dressed as Moxie Dewdrop. The weather was chilly, and we even got a little rain. The trolls lasted about an hour. And for the first half, our 4-year old said "Trick or treat, give me something good to eat, not too big, not too small, just the size of Montreal". Then suddenly she tired, and announced that she wouldn't be saying anything at all.

Along the way, the trolls ran into some policemen and firefighters handing our treats, and advice: "Stay Safe". Upon our return home, the girls, now out of their troll costumes, enjoyed some of their treats. They alternatively ate, and ran to the door to hand out treats. On one occasion, our 4 year old insisted that the parents come to the door to receive treats as well. This left one little boy very excited. He eagerly told his parents that he would "keep the treats" in his bag for them.

All in all, they had a great evening, and our 7-year old asked that we dress as a superhero family for next year...And so starts the search for warm superhero costumes.