Saturday 30 December 2017

Ski School is a Success

Our 4-year old learned to ski over the last 5 days. We had signed all three up for 5 days of ski school. The younger two skied from 9-10am, and our 7-year old ended at 10:30. Thanks to hand and foot warmers, our girls did not complain of the cold weather. On the third day of ski school, it was so cold (-24 degrees) that the chair lifts were not functioning, and all three girls spent their class on the bunny hill. I did not take many photos as I stayed huddled in the cabin overlooking to hill. By the fire, of course...

Our 7-year old on the left with her cousin before the first class

Our confident 5-year old

Our adorable 4-year old in pink!

Saturday 23 December 2017

School Has Ended!

School ended yesterday, and I am looking forward to the two week break from packing lunches and homework. The last month has been filled with Christmas-themed activities at school. From concerts, to wreath making, to ginger-bread houses, the children did it all. And even though we do not celebrate Christmas at home, they certainly do at school!

Not singing much

Making a graham cracker house

A math activity
Our 7-year old made this out of garbage bags

Saturday 16 December 2017

First Snow Storm

Our first snow storm occurred 5 days ago, and the clean-up crews are not yet done. I shovelled the front walkway three times in a period of 24 hours, but luckily I had the three cutest helpers:

Saturday 9 December 2017

Family Room Update

At long last, our family room has received an update.  A new sectional to fit all our family members, a storage and display area for the lego, and two soft ottomans that double as toy storage. And if you can fit into the ottomans, why not play in them too?

Saturday 2 December 2017

The Girls Attend the Holiday Fair

Bedtime last night was relatively easy. I simply convinced them to go to sleep as soon as possible so that they could attend their school's holiday fair the next morning.

This morning, they ran around the school, from room to room. There was a different activity everywhere they went. From face-painting, to arts and crafts, their morning flew by. After their weekly skating lessons, they raced home to decorate their house with their art work.