Saturday 29 September 2018

Photo Day at School

On Friday, I was a "photo day" volunteer, and discovered exactly why volunteers were needed. The two photographers was very professional, but getting 16 kindergarten children to simultaneously smile was no easy feat:

Here is my 5-year old's class:

Front row, third from the right

Sunday 23 September 2018

The Magic of Kindergarten

Kindergarten has turned out to be a lot of fun for our 5-year old. She was reluctant to go in on the first day, but by the second week, she declared "I want to sleepover at school for a billion years"!

Here is a sample of the fun she has in kindergarten:

Photos coming to life!

Saturday 15 September 2018

The Carnival

The girls have been eagerly awaiting the school carnival. Bouncy castles, games galore, pizza, glitter tattoos and their very favourite, cotton candy.  I was volunteering at the glitter tattoo station and only took a few photos when the girls ran up to me. In french, cotton candy is referred to as "barbe à papa:"

Sunday 9 September 2018

The Girls Head to the Zoo

Monday proved to be a bright and sunny Labour day, and we decided to head to the zoo. First, we drove through the "safari" and the girls eagerly fed the passing animals:

Next, we had lunch at the local in-zoo restaurant. The girls got a special treat: pink lemonade:

We took advantage of the warm weather to do some swimming and  tubing:

When very much out of the blue, a thunderstorm hit and the pools were evacuated. We took shelter in the beachfront store, and purchased some umbrellas. The rain quickly dissipated, and the girls enjoyed acting as "old ladies":

Finally, before heading home we walked around the zoo and met a few other animals:

Saturday 1 September 2018

Finally, School Begins!

At long last, the day I have been waiting for...All three girls in the same school!

Wednesday was the big day; the girls were excited and nervous. Our little one tried to run away, and Mama finally got a break...

Not everyone cooperated

Our littlest one starts school!