Saturday 23 February 2019

Our Eldest Turns 9!

Our eldest is one year away from double did it happen so fast?!

A few days before her actual birthday, she had a joint party with her sister for school friends at an art studio.

Here are some photos from February 19, her birthday:

Saturday 16 February 2019

7th Birthday

Last Monday, our #2 turned 7. She is usually slow to get up in the morning, but not on her 7th birthday! She ran down and found the table decorated in her two current favourite colours: turquoise and pink. She was treated to pancakes, and opened the first of many gifts. She received a bracelet engraved with her initials on one side, and her age on the other. "How did you write that on the bracelet?" she asked me. Mama can do a lot, but not that, I explained.

Given the cupcake ban at school, I instead sent her with strawberries dipped in white chocolate and sprinkles to share with her classmates.

After school, she opened a special birthday card that came in the mail from her great aunt Lois. She was then treated to another gift: no homework. Then at around 18h, and few family members came over for finger food, cake, and more gifts! What a special day! Her almost 9-year old sister got very jealous, and declared that she wished it were her birthday!

Here are a few photos from the special day:

Saturday 9 February 2019

My Little Mermaid And Her Doll

My 5 year old likes to dress up:

She also dresses her dolls up:

Life seems so uncomplicated; if only she could stay 5 years old forever...

Sunday 3 February 2019

Skating With Her Teacher

On the second of three Kindergarten skates, our little one left my side briefly to skate with her Kindergarten teacher, Mme Marie. After taking some time off to be with her ailing father, her teacher returned in January. The kids missed her enormously...