Saturday 30 March 2019

Goofy Girls

Practically every day, our girls act rather goofy. Here are two recent examples. In the first, I was drying my hair after a shower when in walked my two older girls. They wore skirts around their necks and donned ear-muffs. I believe they were trying to act as teenagers! In the second, my youngest was playing with her stuffies. I am not entirely sure what she was doing with her leg, as I was at work at the time...

Sunday 24 March 2019

Mama is the Mystery Reader

Every year in kindergarten, the parents are invited into class to read the children a book and to do a craft related to the book. We submit "clues" ahead of time so that the children can try to guess who the reader is. So it was that last Friday, I stood behind the closed classroom door and listened to the clues. The children usually get very excited, and hope their parent will be the "mystery reader".

The clues started off very general:

-J'aime lire
-J'aime courir
-J'aime faire les arts

Then the two remaining clues narrowed it down:

-J'ai trois filles
-Leurs noms commencent avec un "S"

At this point, I could hear the teacher explain to a few kids who thought the criteria fit their parent, that in fact that was not the case...

I was greeted by a huge hug from my daughter. Next, I read a french book called "Je veux un monstre"  about a little girl who convinces her father to let her get a pet monster.

For the craft, the children had to put the right number of googly eyes on the monster; there were 4 in total, labeled from 1-4. After writing their names on their monster craft and putting them away, the children got to decorate cupcakes with candies in order to make them look like scary monsters. And finally, they were able to enjoy their edible craft!

Saturday 16 March 2019

Back to School, Really Early!

Back to school after a week off was tough, especially with little time to get used to the time change. For the first time in a long time, I woke up before the girls (with some help from my alarm clock). Thankfully, the school had set up the gym with climbing walls, a Zip-line and a Tarzan rope. Each class got to enjoy the gym several times during the week, and every day, the set-up was different. I was able to volunteer on the Friday, and captured some cute faces:

Saturday 9 March 2019

March Break, Finally...

It proved to be a nice break from the daily chores of making lunches, doing homework with three kids and driving them to and from school and countless activities. The girls enjoyed themselves as well; we visited Ottawa for three days, skated on the world's largest skating rink, feasted on Beaver's Tails, and enjoyed pool and hot-tub time. We even got back on time for our annual Disney on Ice tradition...

Saturday 2 March 2019

February Finally Finishes

For the shortest month of the year, February certainly proved to be a very full month for us. Two big school projects, 4 parties, 2 swim meets, 2 ringette tournaments, and two ear infections. But we made it through, and ended on a high note: Winter Carnival at school. We found out rather last minute that we had to freeze three 2L cartons full of water and colour, but the end result was lovely:

The three girls, their two friends, and a colourful ice castle