Saturday 28 March 2020

Second Week of Home School

A second week complete, and no end in sight...The girls have been busy with arts and crafts, reading, 30 minutes of "homework", yoga, exercise, baking and daily strolls outside. The two older ones also starred in a puppet show on the Coronavirus in french. As the parks have now also closed, we are itching for warmer weather so that we can go cycling. Here are a few photos from the week:

Meditating on a rolling suitcase!

Saturday 21 March 2020

Homeschool: First Week

Earlier this week, I explained to my girls that there would be no school for a while, and that instead we would be doing "homeschool". After the first day, my 6-year old did declared:

"Mama, there is no such thing as homeschool, you are not a teacher, and you can’t also be the principal!"

The older two seems to enjoy the new schedule which included let and crafts, music, homework and best of all free time.

Here are a few photos of the week:

Saturday 14 March 2020

Staying Home

Late Thursday night, we found out that there would be no school on Friday. And on Friday, we found out that in fact there would be no school, pool, nor ice time for at least the next 2 weeks. I agree that the move was necessary given the current pandemic. But what to do with 3 kids at home for 2 weeks?
Here is what we did Friday:

-Slept in
-Used their i-Pads during the week!
-The girls had pancakes for breakfast
-Did homework
-Went to Chapters the finally use their gift-cards
-Made bracelets out of string
-Played ping-pong in the basement with Papa who was working from home
-Went for a walk to the nearby park despite the snow, and large puddles
-Enjoyed a french movie night at home

It seemed easy enough, but what to do for the next 2 weeks...

Saturday 7 March 2020

First Trip To Disney World

We survived our first trip to Disney World. 4 days of sweltering heat, large crowds and long line-ups...Not much of a vacation for the grown-ups, but the kids certainly enjoyed themselves: