Saturday 25 April 2020

Week # 6

This week, the girls experienced a first: Flying a kite. Albeit briefly, and with little wind. I should have bought three, as they fought over it. We decided to set a timer, with each being allotted 5 minutes at a time...

Sunday 19 April 2020

Week #5

How did week #5 fly by? With the help of LEGO, more puzzles and dressing up! And a delivery of fresh bread from an uncle...

Saturday 11 April 2020

Week #4

This week was all about rediscovering the outdoors. We finally got a few days in the double digits, and headed outdoors. We biked around the block a few times, raked some leaves, completed a scavenger hunt and even built and painted a few bird houses and a wind chime. Here to hoping for some more warm weather...

Saturday 4 April 2020

Third Week!

The third week flew by. More home lessons, a lot of free time, Yoga, and brief daily walks. Our ten-year old received a call from her homeroom teacher and had a nice talk. We also finally finished a 500 pice 3D puzzle, and the girls placed many fish everywhere for April Fool's, or as they say in French, Poisson d'Avril!

2 person yoga

Painting rainbows for the windows 

LEGO fish on April 1

500 piece puzzle!

One of many fish I found on April 1