Saturday 25 July 2020

Ice Cream & Birds

This week, we enjoyed another leisurely Friday afternoon swim in my cousin’s backyard pool. A few weeks back, a bird had decided to lay its nest by her patio door, and we were able to observe the mama bird feeding her three little ones. The girls also enjoyed some cold treats as the weather was near 30 degrees Celsius.

We have been talking about vacationing this summer, but due to the pandemic,  we will be staying very close to home. One of our dream destinations is PEI. We had to content ourselves with COW’s shirts from their famous creamery:

The Mama bird feeding the babies

Enjoying a cold treat

Sunday 19 July 2020

Let The Games Begin!

After much uncertainty, the local soccer league decided to begin their matches this weekend, albeit 2 months later than usual. We were surprised that our two youngest ones were on the same team, as the league decided to place U7 and U8 together. Our youngest played in net for a part of the match; she let in no goals! Our middle one scored three goals, and the oldest one played a strong defensive game in her match.

Saturday 11 July 2020

The Little One Goes to Camp

 Inspired by her performances at home, we signed the little one up for theatre camp. She was initially reluctant attend the half-day camp, but ending up enjoying herself. Half way through the week, she whispered in my ear: “actually, I really like the camp”. It helped that two of her cousins were attending!

Doc McCutie!

Wheeling around her sick patient

Monday 6 July 2020

The Pools Have Opened

At long last, the pools have opened. Normally, they would have opened two weeks ago, but there was a lot of uncertainty and a lot of precautions to be taken due to the current pandemic. Because our community pool had limited the number of hours that each family could use the pool per week, we decided to join a second pool. The kids are thus able to swim every day of the week if they so desire. For the moment they are happy to have restarted their swim team practices (the two older ones)  and lessons (our 6 year-old). Here are a few phots of their first week back: