Saturday 29 August 2020


 We decided to go on a mini-vacation to Mont-Tremblant before the start of school. The weather was on the wet side, but we managed a nice 3 hour hike into the clouds, rode the “luges”, and enjoyed some sweet treats:

Saturday 22 August 2020

Counting Down The Days

 After almost 6 months away from school, the girls are counting down the days. The school entry will be staggered, but in 12 days, all three will be in school at the same time. There is still a lot of uncertainty relating to the ongoing pandemic, but the routine will be welcome change...

For now, we are enjoying soccer, swimming outdoor get together in small groups:

Sunday 16 August 2020

The Helpful Sisters

 Last Sunday, our princess turned 7! How time flies! Her sisters set the table up the night before, and had spent several weeks wrapping their previously loved toys to gift to their sister. She also opened a letter from her great aunt Lois, containing a lovely birthday card. Later on that day after dinner, they once again feasted on a Mermaid cake, this one of the ice cream variety. What a lucky girl! Three parties in the same week!

Saturday 8 August 2020

The Birthday Mermaid

 She is not yet 7, but she has already had two parties to celebrate her upcoming birthday. One with her aunt, uncle and Grandma, and the other a pool party in my cousin’s backyard. Here are some photos from the special day:

Saturday 1 August 2020

First Swim Meet & Birthday Cake

At long last, we had our first swim meet of the summer on Friday evening. It was a “friendly” meet with our swim club being divided in half, Orange vs. Blue. The first instalment featured only the 8 & Unders. Mama volunteered at the meet, so I was only able to get a few photos of my two 8 & Unders. 

I other news, Mama celebrated her birthday this week, and her girls put together a great party. My ten year old even made this healthy cake: