Saturday 26 December 2020

Winter Has Arrived

 Winter has finally arrived, and we had a fun-filled week: making snow-angels, building snowmen, sipping on hot chocolate, skating, hiking and roasting marshmallows on an outdoor fire at auntie’s house. The snow has since been washed away by the rain, but we will simply do it all over again next week.

Sunday 20 December 2020

Outdoor School Photos

This years school photos are finally in. Due to COVID-related restrictions, they took place outdoors. Here they are:

Saturday 12 December 2020

DIY Musical Instrument

 Our 8-year old was tasked with making a musical instrument and brining it to class last week. I asked Papa to help her out as I was already overwhelmed with other more traditional homework for the three girls. And so it was that they created a 4-string electric guitar from an old tennis racket...It proved to be a big hit in class even though it meant that I had to carry a heavy amplifier to school on Friday...

Saturday 5 December 2020

Skating, Swimming and Rocking Out.

What to do when all of the regular activities except for school are cancelled? Skate during public skating, swim during lap swim, and rock of course!

Thursday 3 December 2020

New Room, Late Posting

 After many years of sharing a room with one of her siblings, our first born finally got her own room. Over the last few weeks we have been decorating and furnishing our rarely-used guest room. The room colour is “Swimming” by Benjamin Moore, and a nod to one of her favourite sports. We are still waiting for her new grey bed to arrive, but here are a few photos of the work in progress:

Of course now, our middle child is jealous and has asked for a “new room”...