Sunday 31 January 2021

Writing With a Quill

During the winter holidays, I introduced the girls to the world of Harry Potter. They watched all 8 movies over one week. I wasn’t sure if they would enjoy them, or if they would be scared. In the end, they thoroughly enjoyed them, including the little one. Now they are slowly watching them over again. Inspired by the movies, the youngest had been asking me for a quill pen, and much to my surprise, I easily found one on an online shop. I figured that if would help her improve her hand writing, then it would be worth while. Here she is practicing her cursive:

Sunday 24 January 2021

School Experiment

 Last week our # 2 had a pleasant surprise at school as her aunt was a special guest in her class. They worked on an experiment in pairs, whereby they had to fashion a space craft out of a cup and straws. They had to drop the craft from a height, and the goal was to keep the astronauts from falling out. For the purpose of the experiment, they used marshmallows as astronauts. Here is a photo that my sister sent me:

Sunday 17 January 2021

Back to School

 Much to our surprise, the kids headed back to school in person last week. Getting back into the routine of school lunches and after school homework was easy enough, and it was definitely easier than virtual school. Here they are enjoying their final time off:

A Snow Monster?

Sliding down the stairs!

Monday 11 January 2021

The Winter Triathletes

 With only one week left before classes begun in person, the girls tried a triad of outdoor sports for the first time this winter:

Outdoor ringette with a friend

Cross Country Skiing


Sunday 3 January 2021


With school out for an extended period and COVID-imposed restrictions, we have been passing the time with a variety of indoor and outdoor activities...Here is a sample:

Science Experiments

More Skating

Lego: 6h to build the Disney Castle!

Homemade applesauce-ginger cookies 

Skating through Papa’s legs!

Dressing Up

More Dressing-up 

Climbing Trees