Saturday 27 March 2021

Happy Spring, Happy Naw-Ruz!

 Although this winter wasn’t particularly cold, it certainly felt very long, no doubt due to all of the COVID restrictions. Spring’s arrival was very welcomed, and with it came some exceptionally warm temperatures. Most of our snow has melted, and the children have been asking to go bicycling! While the sugar shacks (or Cabane à Sucre, as we call them here) are not open to visitors, they are selling home kits, snow and all! Here are a few photos from the last week:

Sunday 21 March 2021

Papa’s Birthday

 This week Papa had a birthday, and the girls were hard at work in preparation:

-We hung a Happy Birthday Poster

-We picked up a few balloons and decorated his chair

-The girls each made their own birthday card

-We made Papa’s favourite chocolate cake (from his grandma’s recipe)

-We gift-wrapped some clothes that he wanted from the British company Belstaff

-The littlest one performed a tap dance number (completely improvised), while her sisters played Happy Birthday on the piano

-They even blew out his birthday candles for him!

Here are a few photos:

Sunday 14 March 2021

Back To School

 Back to school is never easy after the march break. In fact our #2 said clearly “I don’t want to go back to school.”  “But you will be getting new masks from the school,” I replied. The Quebec government decided to distribute 2 pediatric procedure masks per day after the march break. I haven’t heard any complaints, and they easily returned to their routine...Now the simply have to get used to the time change...

Our #2 with her new mask and a friend 

Look Mama, my pants match the cushion!

Building their first 3-D puzzle after school

Saturday 6 March 2021

March Break at Home

 March break is coming to an end. There was no where to go, yet it was nice to have a break from homework and school lunches, school drop offs and pickups. It’s hard to believe how much things have changed since last year when we were enjoying a visit to Disney World. 

While a few of the local museums and our favourite outdoor eco-museum zoo have reopened recently, everything was fully booked for the week. So we hung out at home, baked cookies and read books and played board games, dressed up and went camping in our family room, and made a lot of crafts and had one too many movie nights. There were a few spots available at the local pool and skating rink that had opened specifically to accommodate kids staying at home during march break. We also spent a sunny morning cross-country skiing. Here are a few photos from our week at home: