Sunday 23 May 2021

The Backyard Visitors

 A few days ago we received three surprise visitors in our backyard. The girls were enjoying a French movie in the early evening when we heard a commotion: Two protective parents were walking their baby in our yard when they came across a large orange cat. Our girls and their father, tennis-racket in hand, ran out to protect the visitors. The cat had already walked off, scared by the loud honking sounds. Here are the three surprise visitors:

In other news, our # 2 won a 1.5km race at school this week:

Saturday 15 May 2021

Summertime in Spring

 This last week saw some very summery weather, and so it was that we stopped for ice cream after school, wore shorts for the first time, and got out the bubbles!

Saturday 8 May 2021

Joyeuse Fête des Mères! Happy Mother’s Day!

 We decided to celebrate early, and so when I got home from work today, my daughters were all dressed up. They had also picked up my favourite vegetarian pasta from a nearby restaurant. They were relatively well behaved during dinner, after which they song me songs and gifted me hand-made artwork.Then we watched “Aujourd’hui C’est Oui!”, the French version of “Yes Day”. And before bed, the youngest one declared that she too wanted a Yes Day!

Monday 3 May 2021

Swimming in a Time of COVID and Dress-Down Day

 Swim team has been on hold for the last 7 months, but pools have been cautiously opening to swimmers with one swimmer per lane. The coaches are not allowed to be present, and the different municipalities are prioritizing their own residents. But every once in a while we are able to get a spot at our swim club. This is what it looks like:

In other news, or middle child had a dress-down Day at school, whereby the students are able to wear non-school colours to raise funds. In this case, the grade 6 students were raising funds for their graduation and the theme was dress-up as your favourite book or movie character. Her and her best friend decided to dress as the twins in Parent Trap. Here is what she would look like with freckles: