Sunday 31 July 2022

Birthday Cards & Cake

 Two days ago the girls surprised me with some cute cards and what has now become a tradition, watermelon cake:

Tuesday 26 July 2022

Grandma With Her 7 Grandkids


For the first time ever, Grandma posed with all 7 of her grandchildren who happened to be in the same city…

Sunday 17 July 2022

The Girls Try Diving

 Diving boards had been banned from our community pool over the last 5 years, so when we joined a different pool with diving boards this summer, the girls were elated. The started off with lessons, and this last weekend all three competed four the first time. They now have back dives, front dives, flips and a few twists in their repertoire. Here are some photos:

Saturday 2 July 2022


 The last two Fridays proved very enjoyable for the girls. Last Friday, they enjoyed the provincial holiday, and yesterday, the Canada Day festivities. The highlight was the fireworks that we hadn’t planned n seeing: the girls were asleep until they heard them. The fireworks seemed very close by, and sure enough, we had a terrific view from our backyard: