Sunday 20 March 2011

Welcome to my baby blog!

I have never blogged before, but then again I have never had a whole lot to blog about until now!  I have just spent thirteen amazing months.  Let me further qualify; thirteen amazing, tiring, trying, but nonetheless happy months.  Our bundle of joy, a.k.a. Brat, turned one just last month.  She walks, runs, babbles, laughs, feeds herself, and many more things except for sleep through the night.  Experts estimate that 70% of babies sleep through the night by 9 months.  We have known for some time that our baby is not average.  My husband and I have been very patient with the Brat, but we don't think we will last much longer.  We are open to advice.  We have spoken with many experienced parents, read countless articles as well as a few books on the topic, and spoken to her paediatrician.  Her paediatrician said that when we are ready, she will sleep through the night.  We have been ready for 13 months!


  1. I am a mother of 3 children, and I went through many sleepless nights. One advice: bring the baby to your bed. The security of being with the parents will put the baby to sleep right away.

  2. I was recently diagnosed with a sleep disorder, and one of the determining factors was that I'd had it since birth (mum confirmed it). Here's some info: Love the blog, and the Brat is adorable!

  3. Congrats on starting a new blog! Way to go. Look forward to reading more. My 3-1/2-year old still doesn't sleep through the night... But he's starting, a little bit, sometimes...

  4. 個 background 同我老婆個 blog 一樣喎。
