Saturday 14 January 2012

A Week of Firsts

Hanging out in her new chair

This was a week of firsts. Not monumental firsts. Not even milestones; but firsts nonetheless. The first first is about snowmen. Although she had never before built one, she recently became engrossed with them. She would point them out in books and on posters. We even made a few out of Play-doh. But this Thursday, she built her very first real snow man. Thanks to over 25cm of snow that had descended upon us. Both the Baby's father and I were working, and when we arrived at my mom's house to pick her up, we found the cutest snowman on in the front yard:

Putting finishing touches on her first snowman 

Her second first made us very proud. We were getting very worried about our capillary-challenged daughter. Not only do most people still mistake her for a boy, but her mullet was only getting worse. Remaining short in the front, it was growing longer by the day in the back. We were seriously considering trimming it, but some very adorable pigtails changed our minds. First time with her hair up in pigtails, curtesy of her aunt and grandmother:

Finally looking like a girl

And finally, the last first happened just Saturday. I returned from work a little before 17h to discover my daughter had learned to do walking flips with her papa:

Flipping with Papa


  1. It is so sweet to see your toddler's growth and development every day!

  2. Aww, what a darlin'! I'm afraid the poor kiddo got the Crerar hairline; I have it, my niece has it, my mum has it, gran has it... SIGH. It makes hair styling a challenge. Thankfully the Crerar hair is also THICK, so you can do a lot to hide it. Love the pigtails!
