Saturday 3 November 2012

Halloween part III

Our toddler celebrated her third Halloween this week, and, thus far, her most memorable.

Getting into the spirit with a Ghost shirt (formerly her sister's)

Checking out a Hello Kitty pumpkin at the local market

Trying on her Hello Kitty outfit

The festivities begun with a party at preschool:

With her classmate

Our baby hanging out in her sister's class
Later on, we headed to the south shore of Montreal, where our toddler trick-or-treated with her six-year old friend.

With her friend (a musketeer) prior to heading out

In a winterized version of her costume

She didn't quite grasp the concept of going door-to-door, and spent much time standing at the doorstep after receiving her candy, peering into people's homes.

She was rather proud if her candy stash, and overall seemed to enjoy the experience. Just today, she asked me if she could return to her friend's house and "do Halloween" again. How to explain to a toddler with little concept of time that Halloween only comes around a once a year?

Her Halloween Stash
Eating her first treat

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