Saturday 9 March 2013

Surviving March Break

At a local indoor playground

Enjoying March Break

A few weeks ago, I came across a headline in a family-oriented newsletter that I receive. It read: "How to Survive March Break." I did not bother reading the article as I mistakingly thought I did not have to deal with March Break for another few years...

Then, just two weeks ago, I overheard some chatter about March Break at the local YMCA.  I inquired if preschool was off for a week, and was surprised to find out that I would be home all week with my two lovely daughters! Since when do preschoolers need March Break, I thought to myself...In fact the YMCA hosts a March Break camp for older kids that are off school and needed the extra space.

On Monday, we ventured out with the double stroller for the first time in a long time. I timed the outing to coincide with the baby's nap time, and after putting up a bit of a fuss, she slept soundly. My toddler enjoyed the outing, but insisted we pick up some stickers before heading home. The afternoon went by surprisingly quickly, and before I knew it, my husband was home.

On Tuesday, we met my cousin and her two daughters at an indoor park in the West Island. I timed our arrival with the opening of the park, so as to avoid the large March Break crowds. It worked out well as we were the only ones there for almost an hour. And just when it started to get busy, we headed home. The baby slept on the car ride home, and once again, the afternoon went by quickly. After dinner, I took our toddler for a swim at a local indoor pool that I had just discovered. She had a great swim, jumped in about 50 times, and fell asleep quickly that night.

Wednesday went by very quickly. For the fist time since returning from maternity leave, I was working  during the week. My shift started at noon. We went out with the stroller in the morning, and once again, the baby fell asleep. We picked up some stickers on the way home. My mom had come over to help watch the kids, and I left at 11:30. I arrived home shortly after 20h, and both kids were asleep. Exhausted,  our toddler had fallen asleep very early, allowing my husband to easily put the baby to sleep. I should do more of theses 12-20h shifts, I thought to myself.

On Thursday, we headed to another indoor park, this one closer to our home. The girls enjoyed themselves, and once again, we left just as it was getting busy. The baby briefly slept on the way home.  That afternoon, we went out with the stroller, and not surprisingly, both girls fell asleep. Our toddler had woken up at 5:30 that morning, no doubt because of the early night she had had the previous night...

On Friday, I met my cousin and her two daughters at yet another indoor park. This park was much larger than the other two, but I thought that by arriving early, we would once again avoid the crowds. I knew I had been mistaken as we drove up to the parking lot. Even though the amusement centre had just opened, the line-up extended outdoors. Although the girls seemed to enjoy themselves, the park was enormous, making it very easy to lose sight of the girls. Thankfully, I only lost my toddler briefly, and for less than a minute. The place was a veritable zoo, and I could not wait to leave.

Perhaps next year we will plan a family trip during March Break...

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