Saturday 27 July 2013

Mommy's Baby Belly

When I was expecting my second baby, it was hard to tell what my toddler was thinking. She was not very verbal at the time, although she did like sneaking peeks at my belly.

This time around, my toddler has a lot to say about her mother's baby belly. Here is a sampling:

When I was just a little over 20 weeks gestation, my toddler nearly jumped on my belly. I asked her to be careful. She took a second look at my belly and asked "Is there something inside your belly?"

A few months ago, the whole family was in the same room. My daughter was trying to get by me and said: "Mommy you are so big, I can't get by!". To which my husband snickered...

On another occasion, upon viewing my belly, my toddler remarked "Mommy, your belly is getting bigger and bigger, but still no baby!"

A few weeks ago at story time, my daughter noticed a firetruck on the page we were reading, and asked "Mommy, can you buy me a big, big firetruck, as big as your belly?!"

And recently: "Mommy, I don't want another baby!"

Me: "what should we do with the new baby?"

"Give her to Auntie!", she replied, referring to my Montreal-based sister.

Saturday 20 July 2013

First Boat Ride

We live adjacent to the Lachine Canal. It is a canal that runs 14.5 km from the Old Port of Montreal, to Lake Saint-Louis. We have seen it almost every day over the last 5 years, yet we have never been on a boat ride. Our condo association provides kayaks and canoes, yet we have never borrowed one. The first few summers, we travelled extensively, and thereafter we had young children that we deemed too small to take along on a boat ride.

Recently, our daughters have been interested in watching boats, canoes and kayaks sail by. The other day, my husband suggested we should take them out in a motor boat. So it was that this last Tuesday, we headed down to a boat rental place a few blocks away, and rented a slow motor boat for 30 minutes.

During the first half of the ride, the girls sat calmly next to their father who was steering the craft. Thereafter, they decided they wanted to go back and forth from the front seats (next to Mama) to the back of the boat. They also took turns steering. We somehow managed to dock the boat before anyone fell overboard!

Looking at some passing boats
Enjoying their first boat ride
Driving the boat!
Enjoying a cool snack after the boat ride!

Saturday 13 July 2013

First Bicycle Ride

We live adjacent to a very long bike path. In fact, we first spotted what would become our current home while cycling on the bike path. Pre-kids, we cycled almost daily during the summer. After our first child, we slowed down significantly. After our second, we rarely cycled. However, at the end of last summer we thought our toddler might be ready to sit on a seat behind her papa's bicycle. So off we went to a local bike shop. They fitted a seat unto the back of my husband's bicycle. Unfortunately our toddler cried all the way home and refused to get into the bike seat thereafter.

This week, we thought we would give it another try. Both our toddler and baby willingly got into the bike seat, and enjoyed a 15 minute ride with their papa. We attempted to go on a second ride a few days ago, only to discover a flat tire! While at the bike shop, we decided to buy our toddler her first bicycle. Her little sister thereby inherited her tricycle. So although we haven't been back out with papa's bike, the girls have been out daily on their new bikes. Our baby doesn't do a whole lot of peddling. But thankfully, the bar on the back of her trike allows us to control her movement. Our toddler peddles quite well. But she also jumps off without warning...

Our toddler get ready for a ride with her papa.

Our baby set to go out with her papa.

Our baby's first trike!

Our toddler on her new bicycle, her sister excited about a passing dog.

Our girls did not want to part with their helmets!

Saturday 6 July 2013

Canada Day with the Family: a photo journey

We celebrated Canada Day twice this last Monday. It more than made up for last year when I was at work, our toddler was with Grandma, and the baby was home with her papa.  We started off the day with a leisurely breakfast. Our toddler ate a Canada cookie for dessert:

We then headed to our local tennis courts and tried to play tennis:

But mostly we hung out in the adjacent park:

We then headed over to a nearby park where they had daytime festivities for kids including a barbecue, bouncy castles, and cupcakes handed out by the mayor. Our baby stayed for the food and one go at the bouncy castle before heading home for a nap with her papa. Our toddler and I stayed for a few additional hours, and took many turns at the bouncy castle. We finished off with some delicious Canada Day cupcakes.

We then headed over to my husband's cousin's house in the evening. His borough was hosting evening festivities for children of all ages. Our baby and her cousin happily rode over to the local park in a wagon pulled by their older siblings. At the park they enjoyed food, bouncy castles, and playing in the park all over again.


We finally headed home a little after 20h. I could not believe that we had celebrated Canada Day twice in the same day! The girls no doubt wished it were Canada Day every day. They slept soundly through the night, thus allowing their parents to do the same!