Saturday 27 July 2013

Mommy's Baby Belly

When I was expecting my second baby, it was hard to tell what my toddler was thinking. She was not very verbal at the time, although she did like sneaking peeks at my belly.

This time around, my toddler has a lot to say about her mother's baby belly. Here is a sampling:

When I was just a little over 20 weeks gestation, my toddler nearly jumped on my belly. I asked her to be careful. She took a second look at my belly and asked "Is there something inside your belly?"

A few months ago, the whole family was in the same room. My daughter was trying to get by me and said: "Mommy you are so big, I can't get by!". To which my husband snickered...

On another occasion, upon viewing my belly, my toddler remarked "Mommy, your belly is getting bigger and bigger, but still no baby!"

A few weeks ago at story time, my daughter noticed a firetruck on the page we were reading, and asked "Mommy, can you buy me a big, big firetruck, as big as your belly?!"

And recently: "Mommy, I don't want another baby!"

Me: "what should we do with the new baby?"

"Give her to Auntie!", she replied, referring to my Montreal-based sister.

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