Saturday 3 August 2013

Baby Countdown

Enjoying their new Arts and Crafts table

As we count down the days to baby #3's arrival, many thoughts have gone through my head.  Here are the top 5:

5. Was I really pregnant with two different babies in the same year? Yes, the year was 2012. Baby # 2 arrived in February, and I was pregnant again in December.

4. Will I really be breastfeeding two different babies in the same year? Probably. I nursed Baby # 2 until February of this year, and will likely be nursing Baby #3 in a matter of days.

3. Did I really give away most of our baby items? Yes. So sure were we that we were done having babies, that by November 2012, we had given away a baby bassinet, an infant car seat, a baby swing, an activity mat, and all of our baby clothes for 0-9 months!

2. Are we still really living in a small condo barely large enough for the four of us? Sadly, yes.

1. Are we really about to have three kids under the age of 4? What were we thinking?  I still haven't figured that one out!

1 comment:

  1. Exciting and daunting at the same time! You'll have to ask gran how she did it :)
