Saturday 31 August 2013

Papa Returns to Work

Sleepy Smily Baby!

In a few days, Papa will return to work. After having him at home for the entire month of August, it will feel strange.

We had gotten into a nice routine:

I would remain in bed in the morning with the baby, while my husband woke up early with the older girls. He would play with them, feed them breakfast, and then clean up. The baby and I would be up shortly thereafter. After a nursing session, and a quick bite of my own, I would head to a park with the older girls while Papa stayed home with the baby. 

We would return from the park in time for lunch. After lunch, I would hang out with the baby. My husband would put our middle daughter down for a 2 hour nap. Then he and our oldest would go for a swim, or out for a bike ride or a walk. 

After dinner, Papa would get the girls ready for bed while the baby and I hung out some more, mostly nursing. The older girls were usually asleep by 20:30. The baby would stay up until about 22h, after which she would wake up every three hours for more milk.

On the occasion that the older girls would wake up in the middle of the night, my husband would attempt to return them quickly to the land if nod.

And so our routine is coming to an end. Why must fathers be in such a rush to return to work after a new baby's arrival? The kids were rather enjoying being at home with two parents!

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