Sunday 29 September 2013

Family Photos

After the birth of each of our daughters, we had family photos taken at a professional photo studio. For the first two girls, we headed to a studio when they were around 3 weeks old. With our latest addition, we waited a little longer. 

A few weeks ago, I spotted an ad for a photo studio in a neighbour's home, and we decided to give it a try. So it was that last week, we (all 5 of us) headed to our neighbour's house. The photographer lives just a few doors down, so we didn't even need to take our shoes!

How could anything go wrong with our plan? The morning of the session, our infant scratched her face for the first time, leaving an impressive scratch to the left side of her face. Our oldest fell down at the park the same morning, resulting in a large abrasion over her right knee. Then just hours before the session, our eldest decided to scratch #2's face! 

The two older girls really enjoyed the photo session, and even our infant, who usually cries for a few hours every evening, behaved herself!

Here are a few of my favourite photos:

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