Saturday 28 December 2013

Boxing Day: Kids Version

Pre-kids, we spent Boxing Day in a very different manner. For starters, we actually went shopping. However, post kids, the day has become all about the kids!

In recent years, we often travelled to Ontario on Boxing Day to visit with our friends and relatives. This year, with three young ones, we decided to stay put.

We thought that the Biodome might be closed, but when we discovered it opened at 9, we headed over there very close to opening time. And for the first two hours, we almost had the whole place (and animals) to ourselves. 

We did meet another family with three young boys. The mom and I had a good laugh and she suggested exchanging "recipes".

Upon exiting the Biodome, we discovered an indoor play area for kids and headed over. It was set up as an "animal rescue centre" and the kids had the opportunity to dress up as veterinarians, feed alligators, and watch eggs hatch. And there was a play structure as well. #3 was very calm, and perhaps the best behaved of the three.

We had an excellent morning, and congratulated ourselves on thinking of the outing in question while many were out shopping in packed malls. The afternoon went by quickly and the older girls even got in a swim before bedtime.

It was almost a perfect day until our #1 child woke up every half hour with what we could only assume were nightmares. At one point she clearly said "I am finished looking at the animals!" Perhaps the Biodome wasn't the perfect idea we thought it was...

Saturday 21 December 2013

The Thumb Sucker

I have no doubt that #2 was a thumb sucker in-utero. For the moment she made her appearance, she started sucking her fingers. She was a very calm baby, rarely complaining. She often sucked her thumb, and I never saw a reason to stop this self-soothing practice...

Until recently. She will be two in two months, and the thumb sucking hasn't decreased in frequency nor duration (apparently most thumb-suckers do slow down around 12 months). And we have noticed that her upper central incisors, especially the left one (as she exclusively sucks her left thumb) were starting to angle upwards.

At a recent dental appointment, I asked my dentist for suggestions, and whether or not there would be any permanent damage...He suggested a bad-tasting nail polish, and said that to avoid permanent damage, she would have to stop by age four.

So I researched bad-tasting nail-polish geared at thumb-suckers, and found one that was highly rated. However, it wasn't recommended under age 3. Not because it was toxic , but because "taste buds are not yet fully developed under age two, and toddlers may actually enjoy the taste".

In the end, I decided to order the product, but wait until I tried some behavioral modifications...

First, I ran my daughter's index finger along her teeth so that she could feel her incisors. I explained the her teeth would be "crooked" if she sucked her thumb. Much help that did! #2 is in an "opposite" phase at the moment. So not only does she continue to suck her thumb, she goes so more vigorously, and sometimes sucks both simultaneously, with a sly smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye.

Next, I tried to keep her hands busy...and even taught to use her right hand play with her thumb instead is sucking it. That lasted less than a minute!

I tried to observe her thumb sucking... perhaps if I discovered the trigger, I could avoid the need for thumb sucking. While she often sucks herself to sleep for a few minutes, she quickly removes her thumb and she sleeps well without additional thumb sucking. However, during the day, she often resorts to thumb sucking when she is upset. Unfortunately this happens very often. For instance, last week we were out for a walk in sub-zero weather. While in the stroller, she decided to remove her hat, mittens, and her boots. When I tried to explain the need for those items, she says "NOOO", cried, and sucked her thumb. She is very contrary at the moment, and this type of incident occurs at least a dozen times a day...

After a few weeks of unsuccessful behavioral modification, I decided to try the nail polish. At first I painted just a small portion of her left nail. It made absolutely no difference! Next, I painted her entire nail. I explained to her that it would be "yucky" and that she should not suck her thumb. So, of course, she sucked her thumb. She made a funny face, and her eyes watered. She sucked her thumb a little less for a few minutes. But within a few hours, she was back at it, and in fact sucking more than ever.

After a few re-applications, I gave up in the nail-polish. The directions said to re-apply every 2 days, but how could I when the polish seemed to wear off after only a few hours...

Finally, my daughter found a solution: she asked me for a bandage, and applied it to her mouth:

A few minutes later, she had removed it. 

Then, we tried some fun-coloured gloves:

Also short-lived.

I offered her a pacifier with Oscar the Grouch on it. She seemed interested for about half a day, then she wanted nothing to do with it!

In the end, perhaps she will eventually give up this habit if I simply continue to insist on her stopping???

Saturday 14 December 2013

4 months old!

Already 4 months old!

The runt of the litter at only 6.2kg
Measures a respectable 62cm long
Enjoys watching her sisters run around the house
Loves to be held, especially in the middle of the night!
Sleeps poorly
Teething and hyper-salivating!
Enjoys her activity mat
Doesn't mind tummy time
According to Papa can roll from front to back (but mama has yet to witness this feat)

Can't wait until she is 1 year old and more independent!!!

Sunday 8 December 2013

3-Month Count-Down

After many hours of online browsing, several open houses, and many home visits, we finally found our dream house. And we take possession in a little less than three months!

While the house is not in a dream location (that would be Australia, or some other warm climate), it fulfills everything else on my check-list:

-2 car garage
-4 + 1 bedrooms
-family room separate from living-room
-mudroom with separate side entrance
-a large playroom for the girls

My husband was hoping for a water-front house, or one adjacent to a forrest. While the nearest body of water is a few kilometers away, we will be adjacent to one of the largest remaining green spaces in Montreal called Angell Woods.

The biggest challenge will be furnishing the 19 rooms, as we are currently living in a 6-room condo!

The girls are particularly excited about their playroom, and our eldest keeps asking when we will be moving. I think I may be just as excited as she is!

My Dream house; as drawn by my 3 year-old