Saturday 28 December 2013

Boxing Day: Kids Version

Pre-kids, we spent Boxing Day in a very different manner. For starters, we actually went shopping. However, post kids, the day has become all about the kids!

In recent years, we often travelled to Ontario on Boxing Day to visit with our friends and relatives. This year, with three young ones, we decided to stay put.

We thought that the Biodome might be closed, but when we discovered it opened at 9, we headed over there very close to opening time. And for the first two hours, we almost had the whole place (and animals) to ourselves. 

We did meet another family with three young boys. The mom and I had a good laugh and she suggested exchanging "recipes".

Upon exiting the Biodome, we discovered an indoor play area for kids and headed over. It was set up as an "animal rescue centre" and the kids had the opportunity to dress up as veterinarians, feed alligators, and watch eggs hatch. And there was a play structure as well. #3 was very calm, and perhaps the best behaved of the three.

We had an excellent morning, and congratulated ourselves on thinking of the outing in question while many were out shopping in packed malls. The afternoon went by quickly and the older girls even got in a swim before bedtime.

It was almost a perfect day until our #1 child woke up every half hour with what we could only assume were nightmares. At one point she clearly said "I am finished looking at the animals!" Perhaps the Biodome wasn't the perfect idea we thought it was...

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