Sunday 16 February 2014

Our Toddler Turns Two!

This week, out toddler turned two. We wished her a Happy Birthday, but she did not seem overly concerned. Instead, her older sister wanted to know why it wasn't her fourth birthday yet! Eight more days until your birthday, we tried to explain to our pre-schooler. But with little sense of time, she didn't truly understand.

The day was like any other. That is, right up until dinner. We had baked a cake for the occasion, which our pre-schooler eagerly decorated with sprinkles. Our toddler blew out her candle on her fourth attempt. They each had a piece of cake. 

Later on, we presented our toddler with a small gift which her older sister attempted to open. I thought briefly that we had erred, and that we should have held a joint birthday...but in the end both girls seemed pleased with the outcome: some yummy cake and a new toy to play with!

Here's to hoping we will have some Terrific Twos after a year of premature Terribles!

#1 decorating the cake

Not to sure what to do!
Figured it out!

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