Saturday 29 March 2014

The Move

The countdown to the Move:


4 days to go! I write these words while sitting in the boardroom at the buyer's Notary. I was most anxious about today. And so nauseous that I opted to forego breakfast. These were some of the thoughts that went through my head and lead to some insomnia over the last few nights:
-what if the buyer's changed their minds?
-what if the notary didn't show up
-what if we were late?

In the end, here we are a good thirty minutes in advance. We didn't get stuck on the subway. We braved -17C weather and opted for public transit...Here is hoping the rest of the day goes as planned...

Tuesday: 3 days left!

Everything went as planned yesterday. The notary appointment was quick and painless. We got quite a bit of packing done as well. And a lot of recycling and giving's amazing how many things we accumulated over 6 years in our small condo! I write these words from an indoor playground. I am here with all three girls while Papa stays back to pack unencumbered...

Wednesday: 2 more days. The girls bid adieu to the condo. We dropped S1 and S2 off at Grandma's so that we could finish packing. I write these words as Baby falls asleep...I wish I could do the same. The baby woke up often last night. And with all the anxiety of the recent days I find myself exhausted...

Thursday: 1 more day!!!

We went to the notary this morning, signed some papers, and got the keys to our new house! We spent the next few hours meeting with two very important people: the baby proofer, and my uncle. The baby proofer got to work after we toured the house together for nearly an hour. She erected gates, placed latches, and installed a few more things to make our home safer for the girls. As for my uncle, he will be painting most of the walls, and tearing down one non-load-bearing wall between the kitchen and the family room. He will return tomorrow with the crew to get started...
We left the new home far later than planned, and as I write these words we still haven't finished packing, and the movers arrive in 8 hours. Lucky for me I had to take a break and feed the baby, and put her to sleep. Thus a few moments to add to my blog entry!

We did it. We moved! It took much longer than anticipated, but it's done! I am not as excited as I thought I would be at the prospect of unpacking...

1 comment:

  1. Yay, congratulations! May your new home comfort and shelter you all for many years to come.
