Saturday 10 May 2014

#1 Goes to the Dentist

Although our paediatrician had recommended taking our kids to the dentist starting at age 3, I had put it off for a little over a year. I knew we would be moving to the suburbs, so why start with one dentist only to switch within a year? Also the sale of our condo and the birth of #3 were very time consuming…so I waited.

Just a few weeks ago, I was walking through a local mall with the older Girls when I came across a dental clinic. I would not have noticed it were it not for the kids playing in the waiting room. I approached the receptionist and inquired: Yes, they do have paediatric dentists. And only a few kilometres from our new home! I was able to get an appointment within a few weeks. And so it was that this last Tuesday, #1 and I headed to the dentist for her very first visit. #2 was napping, and #3 was in the trusty hands of Grandma.

I tried to prepare our daughter for her first appointment, and she did not seem too apprehensive. The waiting room included a kid's corner with crayons, colouring books, and picture books all about going to the dentist. We read one together. She must have really liked it as she requested that I read it over and over again.

Her name was called promptly at 14h, and we followed the dental hygienist to the office. The dentist was young, cool, and very nice. #1 seemed mesmerized. First they counted her teeth. Then she donned a pair of very cool pink sunglasses so that the bright overhead light wouldn't bother her. Next up, her teeth were cleaned, and she was shown how to floss. They attempted to take some x-rays, but they did not turn out to well due to motion artifact.

The dentist recommended we start a fluoride-based toothpaste twice a day, and floss once a day, neither of which we had been doing. Finally, the appointment over, our daughter picked out a sticker and received a new toothbrush.

Every day since her appointment she announces multiple times a day: I want to brush my teeth…Who would have guessed!

Showing off her smile and new toothbrush!

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