Saturday 19 July 2014

The 5-Day Experiment: a Week of Pinterest-inspired Breakfasts

It all started with an e-mail from my sister. Last week, she sent me a photo from Pinterest of a turtle-shaped waffle. I was going to make pancakes the following day, and thought why not make waffles instead...I shaped them after the turtle in the photo my sister had sent, and wondered if my daughters would be more likely to eat their food.

Day 1: Waffle-shaped turtles.

The older girls were amused, and thoroughly enjoyed their waffles. Although didn't even sample the banana appendages.

Day 2: Egg in pepper, which I labelled a "flower egg".  The older girls refused to eat this one. Although baby gobbled down the egg.

Day 3: Banana popsicles, dipped in yogurt and covered in sprinkles, then frozen. This was a treat given the evening before as I left for work before their breakfast on Day 3.

Day 4: Owl. S1 & S2 enjoyed throughly.

Day 5: Strawberry Fish. Also a big hit with the older girls.

Where to from here? Have I set the bar too high ? Will my girls refuse future breakfasts that are not "food art". Well, I am up for the challenge! Thankfully Baby doesn't need any incentive for now...

Saturday 12 July 2014

11 Months Old!

Baby turned 11 months old a few days ago
Stands well for up to 20 seconds
Took her first steps two weeks ago
But hasn't walked since
Loves to clap her hands 
Waves hello and goodbye
Adores her Grandma
Just recovered from her first fever
Has 6 teeth, with two more on their way
Loves to play ball
Can't wait to be as big as her sometimes caring older sisters!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Baby's First Canada Day

Baby's first Canada Day started regularly enough. After a good breakfast of breast milk and cereal, she stayed home while her older sisters attended swimming lessons. Ordinarily, she would have stayed with Grandma, but due to the holiday, she spent some quality time with Papa.

After her morning nap, and a quick lunch with her sisters, she headed off to some local festivities with her entire family. Were it not for the sweltering heat, she would have remained outdoors longer. As it was, she enjoyed some inflatables and a Mega Bloc station specifically geared towards her age group. Meanwhile, her sisters got their faces painted, bounced on some inflatable play structures, played mini-golf and enjoyed a cold snack.

Back at home by 15:30, Baby was exhausted and was ready for her second nap. S2 normally naps much earlier, but her parents made an exception, and both S2 & S3 slept soundly from 15:30 to 17h.  After a quick snack, Baby and her family headed east to join some cousins whose community was celebrating Canada Day in the evening. While she could not stay for the fireworks, Baby and her sisters enjoyed barbecued food, played on some old-fashioned play structures, and ended the evening by running (or crawling int he case of Baby) through some sprinklers.