Saturday 27 September 2014

Come September

The fall session began this week for gymnastics, swimming lessons, and a first for our girls: skating lessons.  Shouldn't they have at least one day off? my mother asked me the other day...Whatever for if it's all fun and games?...Perhaps we could use a day off though!

Saturday 20 September 2014

Three Sick Girls

Three girls: during less sick times...

I thought I was sleep deprived until this week..
I thought my girls were whiny until this week...

I had read recently about the Enterovirus D68 making it's way through the United States, causing mild to severe cold-like symptoms, and sometimes respiratory symptoms leading to an unusually high rate of hospitalizations amongst children. I didn't think much about the article until my three girls came down with a fever on the same day!  S1's woke up Monday morning with the sniffles. By Monday night she was febrile, and very tired! S2 woke up from her afternoon nap on Tuesday with hot cheeks and a temperature of 38.4. I remember thinking how fortunate it was that the baby was so well and energetic...until bedtime when she was excessively cranky and hot!

Thank goodness for antipyretics! By Friday morning they had all recovered.

I no longer think my girls are excessively whiny...
I now appreciate the interrupted sleep that I normally get.
But most of all, I am thankful that the girls did not need to be hospitalized!

Saturday 13 September 2014

Photo Session with the Kids

Just before S3's 1st birthday, I made an appointment at a local photography studio. They had a summer special: one 45-minute photo session, and one digital photo for only 50$.  To make a long story short, I liked most of the photos, and purchased 21. Yes, 20 more than I had intended to! It was no deal, but the photos were spectacular (at least in my eyes).

Here is one of my favourite action shots of our three princesses:

Saturday 6 September 2014

Preschool Begins!

I had been looking forward to this week for some time. I had signed S1 and S2 up up for three half days per week at the local YMCA. The plan was that S3 would stay home with Grandma, I would drive S1 and S2 to school, workout, relax, then bring them home.

Their first day was Wednesday, a work day for me, so they were dropped off and picked up by their father who was working from home...And Friday was their first day with Mama. After a good breakfast, the girls grabbed their school bags and lunches, and we headed off to the Y. The girls insisted I stay, but within a few minutes, they indicated that I could leave.

I headed to the running track on the upper level, and impressed myself by jogging 6km after a two year hiatus from running (or perhaps I should specify I did plenty of running after the kids). While I jogged, I looked out a large window, and saw my girls happily playing in the courtyard below. Talk about a guilt-free work-out!

After a quick shower, I headed over to the large mall across the street and simply browsed around. When was the last time I shopped without two to three kids vying for my attention and pulling me in opposite directions?!

First day of school: