Saturday 10 January 2015

Back to School!

This Monday, the girls returned to pre-school, I perhaps more eager than them. So eager that I forgot their indoor shoes, and had to return home. Although a little later than usual, I got to work out for the first time in several weeks. The girls seemed happy to return to their classrooms and gave their teachers big hugs. S2 complained a little, and asked me to buy her a penguin. Luckily, several hours later, when I returned to pick them up, she had forgotten all about her request.

Our two-week winter break was quite enjoyable, and included:

-several trips to the local indoor pool
-one trip to the rink with the older girls (no skates the size of Baby's feet!)
-an outing to the Science Museum
-3 trips to the Ecomuseum
-2 visists to Grandma's house
-several visits to a kid's gym for "free-play"

And somehow, we managed to avoid large crowds. Having three early-risers has to have it's benefits...

Our last outing of the winter break: A trip to the eco-museum

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