Saturday 15 August 2015

Not so Terrible Being Two

Our #3 has a long list of achievements. Including swimming with her face in the water (over a very short distance), and speaking in full sentences (which she has been doing for over 6 months). Here is a sampling of her phrases:

-I go swimming with a noodle and a flutter board
-I jump in the water
-I want go downstairs
-I want a popsicle
-I want a red firetruck
-I go to school, I want my school bag
-I did a poop

and my very favourite:
-I am not a baby!

But most recently, we have added a very unexpected achievement: giving up her nap! Lately, it had become a struggle to put her to sleep for both daytime naps and at night. So this Tuesday, we thought we would skip her nap. She was not particularly cranky in the afternoon, and she fell asleep quite easily at around 19:30 as opposed to 22h! Success!

As a result, the daytime routine has changed drastically. No longer does the day revolve around her nap time. All three girls enjoy the same activities during the day, and most importantly, I don't have to keep the older two quiet while their little sister sleeps. It's not so terrible being two after all!

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