Saturday 30 July 2016

July with Cousins

The girls were fortunate to have three cousins, along with their parents visit for nearly the entire month of July. They bonded with their cousins over cards and swimming. They tried new foods, celebrated two birthdays together, and simply had an awesome time. They haven't stopped asking about their cousin's whereabouts since their departure earlier today.

Tried to get all 6 in the same photo...Our littlest one ran away, and a second cousin joined in!

Saturday 23 July 2016

The Three Flower Girls

The girls did protest a few months ago when they found out that they would be flower girls at their aunt's wedding. The middle one said she preferred to be a butterfly, and the youngest wanted a ladybug dress. But when the actual day came, they were perfect flower girls. 

First, they had their hair curled and pinned with little flowers. 

Next, our neighbour painted their nails. 

 Then, just before departing for the ceremony, they donned their beautiful white and lilac dresses. They had such an exciting day, that two of the three fell asleep on the way to the hall.

Once at the hall, they practiced walking down the aisle. The little one knocked down a glass vase, which shattered. Luckily this was quickly cleaned up before the guests arrived.  They posed for a few photos.  

With the groom and two other flower girls
Then, on cue, they walked down the aisle. They held beautiful baskets filled with lilac-coloured flowers.

The little one held my hand, and the other two walked in just before their aunt, holding a sign that read  "Here comes my auntie". Then came the most beautiful bride ever... 

Saturday 16 July 2016

Summer Season

The summer swim season is in full swing. We are part way through the second of three sessions at our neighbourhood outdoor pool, and the girls are having a blast. Morning activities include swimming lessons, diving lessons, and swim team. And when the weather is really warm, we often return for free swim in the afternoon.

#2 learning to dive

Playing a game in between swim classes

Monday 11 July 2016

Grandpa Turns 80!

We drove to Cambridge this week-end for Grandpa's 80th birthday party. Everyone, including the kids, had a blast. They had some very funny questions, like:

"Papa, how did you meet Grandpa?"

"So Papa, Grandpa is older than you?"

And my favourite:

"Can we stay here forever and ever and play with our cousins every day?"

Grandpa with his 5 granddaughters

Our #1 enjoying an owl-shaped cookie at the party

Playing with their cousins and a friend

Sunday 3 July 2016

Canada Day

We were very fortunate to have had two holidays over a very short period of time. Last week, we attended our community's "Fete du Saint-Jean." We were fortunate to have my aunt and uncle visiting form Calgary.

And this Friday, the girls celebrated Canada Day. The morning started with waffles and freshly picked local strawberries (picked by the girls the day before). This was followed by Canada Day inspired crafts:

After lunch, we headed over to the Canada Day celebrations in our community. There were plenty of inflatable structures, including a surf-board that spun around within an inflatable structure. Our six-year old proudly lasted 30 seconds. In addition to the usual face-painting, there was a round of mini-golf.

After heading home for a snack, we swung by our local pool for a quick swim, and got home just before a rain storm...

Friday 1 July 2016

Kindergarten is Finished!

Kindergarten ended a few days ago, and I find myself relieved. My daughter seems unfazed, but I find myself simultaneously exhausted and relieved. We can turn off the alarm clocks, we don't have to worry having white, blue, or red clothing, and we no longer have to worry about keeping up with the endless stream of notices coming home with her.

Overall, we are very impressed with our choice of school. It proved to be welcoming, the teachers superb, parent involvement was welcomed, and my daughter is now fluent in french...what more could we ask for?

The lead up to the last day has been fun-filled; last week, there was the carnival:

This was followed by a day at a splash pad, and a picnic in the park:

With her beloved kindergarten teacher

And while I dont have a photo, apparently the last day of school festivities included an in-class piñata filled with treats...In fact our daughter had so much fun over her first year that she is already talking about grade 1!