Friday 1 July 2016

Kindergarten is Finished!

Kindergarten ended a few days ago, and I find myself relieved. My daughter seems unfazed, but I find myself simultaneously exhausted and relieved. We can turn off the alarm clocks, we don't have to worry having white, blue, or red clothing, and we no longer have to worry about keeping up with the endless stream of notices coming home with her.

Overall, we are very impressed with our choice of school. It proved to be welcoming, the teachers superb, parent involvement was welcomed, and my daughter is now fluent in french...what more could we ask for?

The lead up to the last day has been fun-filled; last week, there was the carnival:

This was followed by a day at a splash pad, and a picnic in the park:

With her beloved kindergarten teacher

And while I dont have a photo, apparently the last day of school festivities included an in-class piñata filled with treats...In fact our daughter had so much fun over her first year that she is already talking about grade 1!

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