Saturday 27 August 2016

Awards Night at the Pool

After 8 weeks of swimming, diving, water-polo and synchro lessons, team practices, and meets, our summer pool ended the season with a dance party, and an awards night. Typically the event is held at the pool, with fun activities in the pool, followed by food, and awards. Unfortunately rain forced us indoors, to the gym of a nearby elementary school.  

The girls, although quite shy, enjoyed the evening. They ate food and cake, and danced with the lifeguards.

All the kids then received participation medals, and paraded into the gym to much cheer from their parents. They were then asked to sit down quietly for the awards announcements. Much to our surprise, the girls did not run over to the tables to sit with us, but remained seated with the other children.

But the bigger surprise came when our 6 year old received the "team spirit award" for the pre-swim team "Guppies" programme. While she didn't smile, she did seem proud of her accomplishment. Our 4-year old asked us later that evening why she did not receive one. She then requested that I print her out a picture of a trophy, which she coloured, and proudly carried around for a few days.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Our Girls Love Lego: Photo

Our girls have been playing with Lego almost daily for a little over a year, and can't seem to get enough. So when I found out there was a Lego show last week-end in Montreal, we bought tickets. They attended with their father, and I am not sure who enjoyed it more...

Saturday 13 August 2016

Baby Turns Three!

Our baby turned three on Tuesday, and we probably shouldn't call her a baby any longer! We had a fun-filled day:

After changing into her ladybug costume, we headed downstairs for breakfast.  There, a birthday card from Aunt Lois awaited her. She eagerly opened her card, and immediately decorated the card cake with the included stickers:

The girls then helped me ice the ladybug cupcakes.

We then enjoyed decorating the house and kitchen table with a variety of ladybug decorations:

Our cousins arrived in the afternoon, and we headed outside for some fun:

After a sumptuous barbecue dinner, we enjoyed a lady-bug shaped cake made but Auntie:

After a second costume change, we headed to a soccer practice for #2, at the end of which our three-year old requested a red popsicle...

Our three-year old had a fantastic day, and fancies herself a Big Girl now. And Mama often successfully uses the phrase "now that you are three.  For example "now that you are three, you cannot suck your thumb anymore!"

Saturday 6 August 2016

The Loose Tooth

On the same day that our 6-year old scored her first goal of the soccer season, she lost four teeth. Not that one had to do with the other...

 As of yesterday, she had yet to lose a single baby tooth. But last week, as I helped floss her teeth, I noticed two new central incisors popping out right behind her existing lower central incisors. So we checked to see if she had any loose teeth, and sure enough, she had one wobbly tooth. All week, she was so excited about the prospect of losing her first tooth. She asked that in addition to a coin, I give her some candy. Although I thought giving candy was counterintuitive, I said it depended on the Tooth Fairy. She replied, "but Mama, you already told me that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist, and you and Papa will be giving me gifts under my pillow".

You might be asking yourself how she lost four teeth? As it happened, she had a pre-existing appointment with her dentist Saturday afternoon, and  when he saw the new teeth growing in, he said four teeth needed to come out to make room for them. She was very brave, I was told (as I was at work), and with the help of some local anesthetic, out came the four teeth. She received a neat carrying case for them in the shape of a tooth, and a few non-candy treats from the dentist's treasure box.

Here is her first toothless grin: