Saturday 31 December 2016

The Kids Embrace Winter

The first week of winter vacation was all about embracing winter. Ski school  was a success, with ideal ski weather every single morning. We decided that the youngest one would only begin skiing next year, but she tagged along most of the mornings. On Thursday afternoon, the ideal sledding weather presented itself: Lots of snow, and near 0 degree weather. We drove to the local hill, and enjoyed an hour of sledding, the little on included:

Our middle one in the pink snow pants

Our oldest in the black helmet

Monday 26 December 2016

First Snowman

While the first snowfall was exciting, the snow was just not sticky enough to build a proper snowman until last week...For the last month, almost on a daily basis, the two younger ones have been asking when they could build a snowman. Finally, the perfect snowman temperature and snow presented itself last Thursday, and after a quick after school snack, we headed outside with a hat, a scarf, a few buttons and a carrot. Actually 3 carrots. The first two were eaten by our three-year old who announced that she would not help build the snowman.

He took only 15 minutes to build, and two days to start melting and to lose his head. All that remains of him now is the bottom snowball, currently covered in a sheet of glistening ice. "Mama" said my 4-yer old, "next time lets build a snowgirl!"

Sunday 18 December 2016

First School Concert

Because of the teacher's strike last year, our 6-year-old only had her first school concert this week. We were not sure if she would be healthy enough to attend as she had missed most of the week with a fever. But on the day of the concert, she seemed energetic, did not vomit, and her body temperature had normalized. So off we went to the school gym on a Thursday evening, with the whole family for a 1/2 hour concert. The first graders sang songs, while the second-graders acted out a play about a snow man with a warm heart. Surprisingly, even though our little one had missed the dress rehearsal, she sang all the songs, and even did most of the motions.

When we got home, she once again spiked a fever, and would be sick for another two days, but we were glad to have attended the concert, while simultaneously hoping that she had not infected the others...

Sunday 11 December 2016

The Girls do an Hour of Coding!

This morning, the two older girls hit the local Apple store for an hour of coding with their father. For now, I do not think that they will follow in their father's footsteps and become coders...

Saturday 3 December 2016

Swinging into December

The snow has melted, and playing outdoors in the wet cold weather has not been too enjoyable. However, the girls continue to enjoy their indoor playtime. Here are 2/3 of them at their last Gym and Swim class before the Holidays: