Sunday 18 December 2016

First School Concert

Because of the teacher's strike last year, our 6-year-old only had her first school concert this week. We were not sure if she would be healthy enough to attend as she had missed most of the week with a fever. But on the day of the concert, she seemed energetic, did not vomit, and her body temperature had normalized. So off we went to the school gym on a Thursday evening, with the whole family for a 1/2 hour concert. The first graders sang songs, while the second-graders acted out a play about a snow man with a warm heart. Surprisingly, even though our little one had missed the dress rehearsal, she sang all the songs, and even did most of the motions.

When we got home, she once again spiked a fever, and would be sick for another two days, but we were glad to have attended the concert, while simultaneously hoping that she had not infected the others...

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