Sunday 30 April 2017

Three Cute Bikers

Thursday proved to be a very sunny day, and we were finally able to get out with the bicycles. On the way home from school, we stopped by the local bike store as our two eldest were due for new bikes. I was worried that they would insist upon pink, or princess bicycles, but they gladly choses amongst the available models. Our 7-year old chose green, an our number two went for blue and yellow. Papa happened to be working from home, so we enjoyed a nice bicycle ride. Our three year old eagerly got on her sister's old bicycle, and although she fell off a few times, she managed to ride a fair distance.  Too bad they next few days will be cold and wet, as they cannot wait to get on their bikes again...

Saturday 22 April 2017

The Two-Day Week

This week, the kids all had three days off. Not only did they have two days off at the beginning of the week as part of the Easter holiday, but my 7-year old also had a pedagogical day on Friday. My two preschoolers do not got to school on Fridays, so I had three kids for three days!!!

We did manage to get a whole lot done, including:
-getting much needed haircuts for the girls
-picking up branches on our lawn
-setting up the swings in our back yard
-visiting a pet store
-going grocery shopping

All in all, we had a wonderful week, but I simply cannot wait for Monday!

Saturday 15 April 2017

A trip to the Capital of Canada

A few weeks ago, my 7-year old and my sister had the following conversation:

Sister: "Do you know what the Capital of Canada is?"
7-year old: "C"

And just a few days ago, we made a day trip to Ottawa, and all three managed to stay awake the entire time. First, we visited with the kids' great aunt Lois, and cousin Jason, where the girls coloured, made a puzzle, and played a game of ball using my three-year-olds's rolled up socks! After a hearty and scrumptious meal, we headed over to a friends house. We stopped by a park, followed by a walk with their lovely dog Kato. On the way back, two of the girls complained that their legs could take it no more, and they received piggy back rides from three different people!

When we retuned to their house, much to our kids delight, our friends had prepared an egg-dying table. They each happily decorated 3 hard boiled eggs. And finally before heading back home, the girls simply hung out with a very tolerant dog...

Saturday 8 April 2017

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Montreal and the surrounding areas have received (what has felt like) record-breaking amounts of rain lately. Our girls are happy to don their rain boots, and hold their umbrellas over short distances, but have been yearning to break out their bikes. In the meantime, we have been rediscovering indoor play areas...

Saturday 1 April 2017

How Our 7-Year Old Does Her Homework

Our seven-year has been doing homework almost daily for the last seven months. And for seven months, I have been asking her to sit still for a few minutes at a time. She somehow manages to get her homework done, but she is constantly moving. Finally, last week, after hearing me ask her to "sit still" for the third time in three minutes, she got up and declared "j'ai une idée." She placed her homework on the floor, and started doing a series of exercises, including jogging, push ups, and a few yoga moves. She completed her homework in record time and declared "parfait, maintenant je suis en forme"...