Saturday 15 April 2017

A trip to the Capital of Canada

A few weeks ago, my 7-year old and my sister had the following conversation:

Sister: "Do you know what the Capital of Canada is?"
7-year old: "C"

And just a few days ago, we made a day trip to Ottawa, and all three managed to stay awake the entire time. First, we visited with the kids' great aunt Lois, and cousin Jason, where the girls coloured, made a puzzle, and played a game of ball using my three-year-olds's rolled up socks! After a hearty and scrumptious meal, we headed over to a friends house. We stopped by a park, followed by a walk with their lovely dog Kato. On the way back, two of the girls complained that their legs could take it no more, and they received piggy back rides from three different people!

When we retuned to their house, much to our kids delight, our friends had prepared an egg-dying table. They each happily decorated 3 hard boiled eggs. And finally before heading back home, the girls simply hung out with a very tolerant dog...

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