Saturday 20 October 2018

Ped Days, Yay!

I didn't always look forward to Pedagogical Days, or Ped Days, as we call them. However, I have come to look forward to the only opportunity to sleep in. Between working weekends and waking up early with the girls on weekdays, the Ped Days cannot come often enough!

Yesterday, one such day occurred. We slept in until 8AM! After homework, we headed over to a trampoline park. Our 8-year old had been invited to a birthday party there, and the other two decided to jump for an hour. Later on, we even had a playdate with a classmate of my 6-year old. This was followed by an afternoon of crafts and cooking. We made our first butternut soup!

A selfie at the trampoline park!


Saturday 13 October 2018

Our 5 year old, Ballerina

We always knew our youngest loved dance. But with all the other activities, including piano,  ringette, swimming and gymnastics, I had forgotten to register her this session. Then all that changed. I bought the animated movie "Ballerina" on sale at Walmart, and played it during a long drive in the mini-van. When we got home, out 5-year old quickly donned her sister's old ballet leotard and slippers, and spun and danced around the house. She has watched the movie many times since, and finally. I felt compelled to look into ballet lessons. Most classes had already started, or were full. Finally I came across a class for 5-year olds on Saturday mornings, the only day that she doesn't have any organized activities. And so it was that this morning, she took her very first class. Here are a few photos:

Sunday 7 October 2018

The Girls try Ringette

With the pre-season almost over, the girls have officially "gotten into" ringette. Our 5-year old is a "Bunny", the 6-year old a pre-novice and our 8 year-old a novice. Our novice player actually volunteered to play as goalie in her game today, and our pre-novice played her first game. When I asked our 6-year old if she scored, she replied that she wasn't sure what to do with the ring when she got it. And our 8-year old claimed to have stopped most of the goals:)

Here they are in action:

#2 with a friend 

Our goalie