Saturday 13 October 2018

Our 5 year old, Ballerina

We always knew our youngest loved dance. But with all the other activities, including piano,  ringette, swimming and gymnastics, I had forgotten to register her this session. Then all that changed. I bought the animated movie "Ballerina" on sale at Walmart, and played it during a long drive in the mini-van. When we got home, out 5-year old quickly donned her sister's old ballet leotard and slippers, and spun and danced around the house. She has watched the movie many times since, and finally. I felt compelled to look into ballet lessons. Most classes had already started, or were full. Finally I came across a class for 5-year olds on Saturday mornings, the only day that she doesn't have any organized activities. And so it was that this morning, she took her very first class. Here are a few photos:

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