Saturday 25 May 2019

A Busy Week at School

 Last week proved to be a busy week at school for Mama. I volunteered not once, but twice on the same day! Thursday morning, I jumped onto the school bus with my 9-year old and her class as they headed to a race on Mount-Royal. The grade three and four students ran a 1km race, and the older kids ran for 2km. It was extremely well organized. Several thousand students from different schools lined up, a few hundred at a time, the girls and boys alternating races. My daughter finished the race in 5th position out of almost 200, the fastest of the grade three girls from her school. She said she was close to tears during the race...then I realized she was racing in an unfamiliar area, surrounded by students that she did not know. Its a good thing that Mama was there to help out!

A few hours later, I was back at school for the Kindergarten Vernissage. Some 60 students were displaying their artwork, and parents got to bid on the larger projects (three masterpieces, one per class). It proved to be much fun, although my 5year old, wanting all of the attention, did not let me speak with anyone else!

Here are the photos:

Our class's masterpiece

Posing in front of her art

Van Gogh, Kindergarten style

Keeping busy while waiting for the races with some friends

The finish line

Lining up for the races

5th place!

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