Saturday 28 September 2019

She Put Her Foot Down, Again

Out littlest one put her foot down last month. This is not an unusual occurrence, but this time she persisted. "No", she would not do ringette this season. She wanted to "figure skate" instead. And she was adamant. Didn't she understand that as the third child in ringette, her fees would be covered? Apparently not. In the end, the goal was for her to learn to skate well, and so we caved. She started her classes the day before yesterday. She fell a few times, but that was expected as it was her very first skate with "figure skates" as opposed to "hockey skates". She had a great time, spun a round a few times, moved up at least 1 level.  She even got the royal treatment at the end of her skate: Her sisters removed her skates. Here are a few photos:

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