Saturday 29 February 2020

A Fun-Filled Week

The girls had a very fun-filled week. From Monday through to Friday, their school hosted "Carnival Week." Activities included building an ice-castle out of colourful ice blocks (it melted the same day), taking the school bus to the local rink and skating with classmates, Jersey Day (2 of our girls wore their ringette jerseys), a flag parade where the kids made flags at home a brought them into school for the special event, and a hola-hoop contest (which our middle child won for her grade).

Not only was it carnival week, but this year, Ayyám-i-Há fell on the same week (Tuesday-Saturday). The girls each received gifts every day for five days, and they also received some from their Auntie and Grandma. And finally, the Ayyám-i-Há party took place Saturday evening. The girls skated, then enjoyed pizza and cupcakes that they decorated amongst friends.

Here are a few photos from the week:

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