Saturday 27 June 2020

Home Schooling Finally Ends

After fourteen and a half weeks of homeschooling, my appreciation for teachers has exponentially grown. With three children at three different grade levels, it has been a challenge, to say the least...Relief over the last 6 weeks of home-schooling came in the form of one hour  Zoom sessions per child per week, offered by the school.  The teachers became virtual experts, some even creating "virtual classrooms". I believe that my 10 year old was so impressed with homeschooling, that she decided to open her own homeschool for her little sisters. She held her sessions in the afternoon, as Mama held her's in the morning. Her pupils weren't always willing, but it was a valiant effort...

Their last Zoom session with their teachers

Celebrating the end of school with an at-home camping night

Artwork and assignments from my 10-year old’s home-school

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