Sunday 9 October 2011

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Baby reading to her bunny rabbit
Several months ago, my husband announced that their office would be changing locations. But because their new office was not yet ready, he would be working from home for at least several weeks, perhaps even for a few months.

I remember being instantly relieved. Relieved that if I were in a bind with baby #1, he would be there to help out. Well, things didn't work out exactly as I had imagined. What I should have realized was that working from home simply meant busy working in a different location, and not necessarily at my beck and call.

My husband returns to his office away from home this week. As I reflect back on these last few months, I realize that the timing was perfect, and that something good is unfortunately coming to an end. His work from home coincided with my first trimester nausea, and although he could not always be there when I called on him, there were some definite advantages. Sleeping in for starters. As he did not have to be anywhere but in front of a computer for 8AM, I was able to sleep in until 7:45, as he thankfully agreed to take the first shift with the Brat, who typically wakes up at 6AM.

Additionally, I did not have to wait for him to get home from work to relieve me of my baby duties (temporarily, of course). On a few occasions, I strolled down to the local market, and enjoyed a quiet lunch sans baby, as he entertained the Brat. To be able to eat a meal without the Brat pulling on my legs to come and play with her proved to be a pleasant change.

Baby # 1 will also no doubt miss her father being at home. She would often search him out for a cuddle, or insist on kissing him goodbye prior to departing to the park....All good things must come to an end. This proverb dates back to 1374...and amazingly is still relevant.

1 comment:

  1. Well, there is another proverb which says that nothing happens without a reason. Each time we need help there is an Invisible and a Mighty hand which comes to our aid.
