Sunday 2 October 2011

The half-way point

Who would have guessed that horizontal handles could double as a ladder?!

I had been looking forward to my second trimester ultrasound for some time. First of all it would mark the half-way point of my pregnancy. Which, based on my first pregnancy would coincide with decreasing levels of nausea (oh how I have been looking forward to eating a full meal without gagging). Secondly, I would find out the gender of baby #2.

Not that gender identification is the purpose of this routine second-trimester ultrasound. The ultrasonographer looks for a number of abnormalities, and takes a few measurements, including femur length, head circumference and abdominal circumference. The stomach, kidneys, spine, brain, heart and limbs are identified and evaluated for abnormalities. The ultrasound report includes an estimate of the age of the fetus, and lists any abnormalities that were discovered.

I had my second trimester ultrasound just this last week. I was relieved to discover that there were no abnormalities. The estimated age based on the measurements was very similar to our estimated age. "Do you want to know the gender?" my ultrasonographer asked. While I know a number of couples who chose not to find out the gender, I prefer to be prepared. Especially when the naming process can be so complex....why double the work?

We were told that we would be having another girl. We had been hoping for a boy, but were expecting a girl. Girls seem to run in my husband's family; his brother also has two girls...something about a propensity to donate their X chromosomes...

We had already been discussing names. Here are a few that we like so far:
-Savannah. We were married in the desert by the same name, and like the way it sounds, however it is a very common these days, and it sounds a lot like baby #1's name.

-Scarlett. I have liked this name since I saw Gone With the Wind oh so many years ago...even though the character's full name is Katie Scarlett.
-Alexis. My father's middle name is Alexander, and we would have certainly given this moniker to a son...Alexis is our favorite feminine version of Alexander.

We are certainly open to suggestions...

Baby # 2, name TBD


  1. Congratulations for having another baby girl! It will be economical. You won't have to buy her lots of clothing since your little girl can donate hers to her little baby sister. When a name like Alexis is used for both boys and girls, kids make fun of them at school. Then SCARLET reminds everyone of the famous, "Scarlet Letter"
    I would suggest: Annabelle, Amanda, Belinda, Melissa, Melinda, Nikita, Natalie, Brigitte.

  2. Congratulations! Very exciting week for babies :)

    Alexa is a nice variant on the name too. Love Scarlett. Also Mia, Maya, and Ava. Fun stuff!
